
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Phillips)

The Canadian Minister called upon the Secretary this morning (I was also present) and delivered to him the Prime Minister’s reply to the inquiries presented some weeks ago by the Secretary with regard to Canada’s trade note of November 14th. Mr. Herridge spent some time in reviewing the difficulties of the situation from the political viewpoint in Canada and stressed again the courageous position which the Prime Minister had taken in his note. The main object of this call, however, was to inform the Secretary that the Prime Minister did not see his way to any modification of the note in question. In other words, that it would be impossible to withdraw the references to the specific items mentioned.

The Secretary replied that he did not wish to press the Prime Minister any further, that he understood his position and problems and that we would, therefore, proceed to send forward our reply.

Mr. Herridge then broached the question of the publication of the notes; he said that naturally nothing would be done without previous consultation with us; he mentioned that the opening of Parliament occurred on January 17th and that possibly following the debate of the speech from the Throne, the Prime Minister might find it desirable to make public his efforts as outlined in his note to us. Mr. Herridge stressed the point that, in a Parliamentary debate, the Prime Minister might be confronted at any time with the necessity for such an announcement.

During the conversation reference was made to the St. Lawrence Waterway24 and the Secretary referred to our desire to have a few alterations made in the Treaty. Mr. Herridge said that he was ready at any time to discuss these matters and it was agreed that an appointment [Page 873] would be made for him in my office sometime tomorrow, inasmuch as he, the Minister, was returning to Ottawa probably on the following day.

William Phillips
  1. See pp. 967 ff.