811.7452 Amateur/5

The Spanish Ministry of State to the American Embassy in Spain 28

No. 90

Note Verbale

The Ministry of State has the honor to inform the Embassy of the United States of America with reference to its Note Verbale No. 703 [Page 783] that the proposition of the United States Government regarding the exchange of messages by amateur radio stations of Spain and the United States was again submitted for study to the competent authorities, and that they have decided that the proposed agreement can not be made, as it is not possible to make an exception in the absolute prohibition which is maintained with all other countries as provided in Par. 2 of Article 8 of the General Radiocommunications Regulations which were signed in Madrid in 1932.

  1. Transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in Spain in his despatch No. 1163, June 12, 1936; received June 27.