811.7453 Amateur/5

The Minister in Portugal (Caldwell) to the Secretary of State

No. 784

Sir: Referring to the Department’s instruction No. 91 of March 11, 1935,26 in regard to a proposed exchange of notes with the Portuguese Government on the subject of amateur radio stations, and to later correspondence on the same subject, I now have the honor to report that after repeated informal conversations on this subject [Page 782] with the appropriate officials in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and in reply to my note of October 14, of which I enclose a copy herewith,27 I am now in receipt of a communication from the Minister for Foreign Affairs in which he expresses regret that the Portuguese Government cannot accept the proposed exchange of notes on account of difficulties foreseen in supervising messages between American radio stations and those in Portugal. I am enclosing herewith a copy of the note on this subject from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, together with a translation thereof.

Respectfully yours,

R. G. Caldwell

The Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Monteiro) to the American Minister (Caldwell)

Process No. 435,13

Mr. Minister: With reference to the subject of your note No. 189 of the 14th instant and to that of the memorandum of March 30, last, regarding the exchange of radio telegraph messages in the name of third parties or entities, between private experimental stations, I have the honor to inform you that the Portuguese Government regrets that it cannot accept the proposal contained in the aforesaid communications, owing to the inconveniences which this acceptance would unavoidably cause to the service of radio-communications, resulting particularly in prejudice to the Treasury, inasmuch as it is practically impossible to maintain a strict supervision over the messages exchanged between the American stations and the large number of Portuguese amateur stations.

I avail myself [etc.]

Armindo Monteiro
  1. See footnote 5, p. 766.
  2. Not printed.