811.7441D Amateur/3
The Chargé in the Irish Free State (Denby) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 29.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch No. 16, of April 21, 1934,20 and to previous correspondence respecting the proposal for the conclusion of an agreement between the United States Government and the Government of the Irish Free State, to provide for a relaxation from the restrictions imposed on amateur radio stations by the International Telecommunication Convention, 1932.
Enclosed herewith for the records of the Department in this relation, is a copy of a Note No. 33/84, of August 14, 1934,20 addressed to me by Mr. Sean Murphy, Assistant Secretary of the Department of External Affairs of the Free State Government, to the effect that the Free State Government has not altered its attitude and wishes to continue to defer a final decision on the subject.
Respectfully yours,