811.111 Vessels/5129
The Swedish Legation to the Department of State
It has been brought to the knowledge of the Royal Swedish Government that it is under consideration, by the United States authorities concerned, to issue certain regulations by which in the future a special class of foreign seamen would be excluded from admission into the United States. The said class comprises, as far as the Legation has been able to ascertain, foreign seamen (both ships’ officers and regular seamen) coming from abroad and who intend joining foreign vessels, temporarily in this country, with the exception of foreign seamen who are sent forward by the owners (of a vessel) to take delivery of a vessel and to navigate it (directly) to its foreign home port (Executive Order No. 4648 of May 13, 1927).
The Royal Swedish Government are of the opinion that regulations to the said effect would be of great inconvenience to Swedish vessels trading to the United States.