800.51 Johnson Act/3

The Assistant Secretary of State (Moore) to Senator Joseph T. Robinson

My Dear Senator: Attached is a memorandum relative to the Johnson Bill1 prepared by Mr. Hackworth, the Legal Adviser of this Department.

Yesterday afternoon Mr. Ray Stephens, President of the Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, was here and we went over the Bill together. He, like Mr. Roosevelt, is most anxious that the Bill be confined to obligations to the Federal Government and that thus the language making it applicable to debts due our citizens should be eliminated, realizing that unless this is done there will be undesirable obstruction to loans being negotiated in this country by dependable governments such as that of Canada.

Notwithstanding Mr. Stephens’ doubts, I still believe that the exception of refunding and adjusting operations would enable a citizen of this country to take scrip, or cash and scrip, in settlement of indebtedness due him by a nation in default to our Government. But, should you think this should be made more explicit, there can be no objection.

I very much hope that Senator Johnson will not urge the retention of the language that has been stricken out, since the President feels more strongly on that point than on any other point involved.

Yours very sincerely,

R. Walton Moore

Memorandum for Senator Robinson

Johnson Bill—S. 682

Some of the reasons for eliminating the phraseology in lines 4, 5 and 6 of page 2 of the bill and confining it to defaulted obligations to the Government of the United States are that: [Page 526]

At this time when efforts are being made to encourage the commercial and other interests between the United States and other countries, particularly Latin America, it would be unwise to enact legislation that would probably be offensive to those countries, as the bill as originally drafted would undoubtedly prove to be.
The sweeping language of the bill would apply to countries that are in default not by choice but by force of circumstances over which they have no control.
Many of the Latin American countries that are in default on their bonds are rich in natural resources and are desirous of meeting their obligations but are prevented from doing so by reason of the chaotic condition of world trade and commerce. As this condition improves and the sale of products increases, it is believed that they will adjust their foreign indebtedness and that the enactment of a law by us prohibiting the flotation of further loans would merely serve as an irritant to the disadvantage of our trade and commerce with them, which it is in the interest of our country, as well as others, to encourage.
Moreover, such a provision, so far as regards such countries, is considered to be unnecessary for the reason that there is no likelihood that an effort will be made by them to float further loans in the United States until there shall have been an adjustment of their outstanding indebtedness. The provision would, therefore, be regarded by those Governments as a gratuitous affront to them.
One case has been brought to our attention of a single municipality in a particular foreign country that is in default on its obligations in a small amount, whereas the bonds of the country as a whole and of other municipalities therein are regarded as gilt-edge securities affording profitable and safe investments of American capital. Yet, with the bill as originally drafted, because of the default of this particular municipality, the bonds or other obligations of that Government or other municipalities therein could not be sold on the American market. This would be the effect but not the purpose of the bill if the words proposed to be eliminated are retained.
For these and other reasons, it is believed that legislation at the present time should be confined to those Governments that have deliberately defaulted on their obligations to the Government of the United States. If this experiment shall prove to be a beneficial one, we may then, if the circumstances seem to warrant, extend it to obligations held by American citizens and concerns. A further reason why the bill should not now be extended to obligations held by private people is that such legislation might conceivably interfere with the operations of the Committee that has recently been organized, pursuant to Congressional authority, to work out with private bondholders and the debtor Governments solutions with respect to such obligations.

  1. Introduced March 22, 1933; see Congressional Record, vol. 77, pt. 1, p. 705; for text as finally approved, April 13, 1934, see 48 Stat. 574.