
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Persia (Hornibrook)

No. 45

Sir: With reference to previous correspondence regarding the activities of the Persian Minister in Washington in connection with the ratification by the United States of the Arms Traffic Convention signed at Geneva in 1925, there is enclosed a copy of a note which the Minister addressed to the Secretary of State on August 11, 1934.55 The general tone of this communication is so obviously improper and it contains so many misleading statements and misstatements that the Secretary considered [Page 484] it necessary to send the Minister a reply under date of August 24, of which a copy is enclosed.56

You may on a suitable occasion, if you consider that any useful purpose would be served, refer casually to the substance of the Secretary’s present communication, in conversation with competent Persian officials.

There are also transmitted, for the information of the Legation, a copy of a letter which the Minister addressed to me on August 21,57 as well as a copy of a note which he sent to the Secretary on August 2558 in reply to the Secretary’s note of August 24.

Very truly yours,

William Phillips
  1. Ante, p. 471.
  2. Ante, p. 481.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Supra.