
The Secretary of State to the Persian Minister (Djalal)

Sir: I have received your communication of August 11, 1934, with further reference to the Geneva Arms Convention of 1925 and have noted with surprise its contents.

[Page 482]

While this Government is at all times prepared to give careful consideration to the views, when properly presented, of the Persian Government, I regret to inform you that I cannot regard your present communication as meriting such consideration, in view not only of its general tone and tenor but also of the many misleading statements and the mis-statements (which I will assume are not intentional) which it contains.

I may add that the suggestion contained in the personal letter which you addressed to Mr. Phillips on August 2154 does not modify my views, as set forth above, regarding your Note of August 11.

Under the circumstances, therefore, I consider that no useful purpose would be served by further discussion with you of the Geneva Arms Convention.

Accept [etc.]

Cordell Hull
  1. Not printed.