811.113 Senate Investigation/37

The Turkish Ambassador (Munir) to the Secretary of State 14

The Turkish Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable Secretary of State and has the honor to inform him that some [Page 431] allegations made regarding certain Turkish personalities in the course of the inquiry carried on by the Senate Munitions Investigating Committee, and reflected in different versions in the American press, have called the especial attention of the Turkish Government.

The Government of the Republic desiring to be fully informed about the matter as far as Turkey is concerned, Munir Bey requests the Honorable Secretary of State to be good enough to obtain for the intention [attention] of the Turkish Government from the Committee in question the full copies of the documents as well as the oral declarations containing the said allegations.

M. M[unir]

  1. Except for a statement that copies of committee hearings would be shortly available from the U. S. Government Printing Office, the reply of September 17 to this note corresponded to that sent the Mexican Ambassador on September 17.