500.A4B/589: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Straus) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 22—9:15 a.m.]
951. The information which appeared yesterday on a ticker at the Bourse indicating that France might on its own denounce the Washington Naval Treaty independently of the action of Japan was entirely without foundation. It arose from fact that Foreign Minister Laval and Minister of Marine Piétri were heard by the Foreign Affairs and Naval Committees of the Chamber of Deputies and explained the situation which would be created by Japan’s denunciation which would give France a free hand in the matter of naval building and ratios. It is expected that France will as soon as notified of the denunciation, present a note setting forth its views on ratio limitation particularly with regard to Italy. Laval confirmed this last evening in a conversation with Marriner.
It was learned indirectly that impression had been given American correspondents that France was happy that Japan had pulled its chestnuts out of the fire.