500.A15A5/196a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Bingham)
370. You will recall that in our telegram 211 of May 24, 3 p.m.,41 we suggested that the preliminary and exploratory naval conversations should be carried on in the form of normal diplomatic interchanges heading up through the Embassies and the Foreign Office in London. Inasmuch as conditions have now changed and the October meeting will be far more in the nature of a preliminary negotiation than a mere exchange of views, it has become necessary to establish a special machinery to deal with the situation. The President has accordingly decided to send a special mission to London for this purpose and has asked Mr. Davis to sail on October 10 which will enable the delegation to be set up approximately October 17. We have not yet determined upon the naval and diplomatic advisers to the delegation but will telegraph you as soon as possible.