500.A15A5/111: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Bingham)
270. From the President for Davis.
“Tell the Prime Minister confidentially from me that it is still my thought that the difficult situation of modern civilization throughout the world demands for the social and economic good of human beings a reduction in armaments and not an increase; that I am well aware of the pressure exercised by Navy Departments and Admiralties; that, nevertheless, I hope those in high authority in government will work with me for a new naval treaty calling for a reduction in navies and that to this end I have suggested a renewal of the Washington and London treaties for at least 10 years on a basis of a 20% reduction to be accomplished during that 10 year period.
I am not going into technicalities of tonnage or classes or guns at this time, because these can be solved if the naval nations agree on the big basic principle.”
The President says that the Prime Minister may communicate this message to the Cabinet, if he so desires, but he requests that no publicity be given to it at the present stage.