500.A15A4 General Committee/791: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton)

52. Norman Davis is sailing this week en route for Stockholm in connection with Kreuger and Toll matters. He is on leave of absence from this Government, although it is understood that if disarmament developments should warrant he would cut short his leave and resume active charge of our Delegation.

As he is sailing on the Majestic leaving New York February 23 he will pass through London before sailing for Sweden. I think it would be very useful if he were to have a private and confidential talk with the Prime Minister (see your 23 Jan. 29, 1 [7] p.m.) and would be glad if you could arrange some opportunity for them to have such an exchange of views, preferably without public knowledge. Probably the best way would be for you to explain the situation to the Prime Minister and invite him on behalf of Ambassador Bingham [Page 25] (who is now in Washington and approves) to either lunch or dinner at the Embassy if possible on March 2.
