83251/757: Telegram
The Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 30—3 p.m.]
39. Embassy’s 38, March 30, noon. Conversation with Foreign Office leads to the belief that British propositions regarding commercial or exchange favors will not be made to Brazil until the outcome of the present British negotiations with the Argentine are successful.30 Brazil would be susceptible to British negotiations if favors should be extended to Brazilian oranges in British markets. The oranges export industry is new and promising.
Brazilian Consul General in New York reports to Foreign Office that the imposition of tariff duties on coffee, cacao and other articles which Brazil exports to the United States is imminent in order to increase our national revenue. Is it not probable that the owners of frozen Brazilian exchange are stimulating this movement in the hope of obtaining the satisfaction of their immediate needs in compensation for the suspension of such duties?
- For correspondence concerning the Anglo-Argentine (Roca) Agreement, see vol. iv, pp. 722 ff.↩