Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Caffery)
The Brazilian Ambassador called on me this afternoon to say that he had received a telegram from his Government stating that the President’s action in calling in the Brazilian diplomatic representative here and explaining our point of view in regard to the Cuban situation had been highly appreciated at Rio.
The Ambassador then asked me if we approved of what the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs was attempting to do in regard to the suggestion to be made by the ABCM powers at Habana that it was important for the Cubans to form a stable government capable of maintaining order in the country. I told the Ambassador that we approved of the attitude of the Mexican Government in the instance.
The Ambassador added that his Government desired him to say that in no case would Brazil take part in any action which might present possibilities of degenerating into a movement directed against the United States on the question of intervention. I said to Mr. Lima e Silva [Page 421] that we did not apprehend that the Mexicans had anything of that sort in mind; we believed they were sincerely desirous of giving good advice to the Cubans. Mr. Lima e Silva said that it was his understanding that as the Mexican proposal now stood the idea was that the diplomatic representatives of the four interested powers here in Washington should agree on a declaration to be made at Habana. However, he apprehended that the Argentine representative here would be unable to take part in a move of this kind, it being clear from the Argentine note published a few days ago that the Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs was opposed to the Mexican suggestions.
I thanked the Brazilian Ambassador for his information.