
The Cuban Embassy to the Department of State


In the conversation carried on to-day at one o’clock p.m., with the Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Caffery, the Ambassador of Cuba, authorized by the Executive Commission of Government, set forth the following points:

  • First. The new Government of Cuba does not correspond to trends of a Communistic character; neither are the members composing it Communists. The suspicion that has arisen to that effect is due to the junta form of government which was adopted with the intention of protecting it from intimate political complications which do not affect the nature of the provisional regime.
  • Second. The elements composing the Executive Commission are not Communists nor were they the originators or leaders of the movement which placed them in the exercise of public power. The leaders of the movement, demonstrating exceptional disinterestedness, did not appropriate for themselves the fruits of the victory, and taking as their aim the greatest advantages of the country, entrusted the function of government to the persons whom they considered fitted for the mandate.
  • Third. At the present moment order is being preserved throughout the Republic. The disorders that have taken place since the 4th instant have been of less importance than those which occurred under the preceding administration. And the events that transpired in some sugar centers, are not the consequence of the political and economic character of the present regime, but a continuation of the disturbances, of that kind, which were happening under the authority of the Government which terminated on the 5th.
  • Fourth. For the purpose of restoring the discipline and authority of the Army, the Executive Commission has decided to reestablish, and is reestablishing the commanders and officers of all arms to their corresponding grades and commands. In addition to the respect that the whole country is showing the Executive Commission, the reintegration of the Army which is being accomplished with all possible speed, permits of the assurance that the life, property and liberty of the citizens are receiving full protection in the Republic.
  • Fifth. The idea that the Executive Commission is the result of the coup of a faction which can give it only a precarious and ephemeral existence is derived from vague reports, that are often exaggerated, with respect to the true situation now prevailing in Cuba; but it loses all appearance of reality by the fact of its having been put in contact with all sectors of those who were in opposition to the dictatorship, [Page 400] in order to form a strong cabinet of National Concentration in which there are truly represented all the militant groups that fought for the purpose of restoring in the Republic, right, civil liberties, the laws and the honor of the people as an homage to civilization. The Executive Commission, dedicated today to the accomplishment of this powerful coordination of legitimate desires and aspirations, for the welfare and prosperity of Cuba, trusts that before the dawn of tomorrow the said Cabinet, the task of which is to clothe the Government with the sublime confidence and the full representation of the Cuban people, will have been constituted.