852.75 National Telephone Company/190
The Ambassador in Spain (Bowers) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received December 26.]
Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith copy of the Decree of November 30, 1933, published in the Gaceta de Madrid for December 1, 1933,21 providing for the transfer to the Catalan government of the execution of Spanish legislation relating to the Telephone Company and the company’s service in the Generalidad. The transfer is to be effective from December 1, 1933, and adaptation of the service is to be made in accordance with certain reservations on the part of the State as stated in paragraphs Nos. 4 and 11 of Article 5 of the Catalan Statute, covering eventual “termination for any cause, legal or contractual, of the present administrative concession relative to lease of telephone service,” and the subsequent executive functions of the autonomous region in accordance with its legislation.
A copy of the Catalan Statute as published in the Gaceta de Madrid of September 21, 1932, was enclosed in the Embassy’s despatch No. 875 of September 27, 1932.22
I have called the enclosed decree to the attention of Captain Rock, the head of the Telephone Company, who said that he would let me know whether he wished me to take any action, as a matter of record, with the Minister of State on the subject.
Respectfully yours,