852.75 National Telephone Company/149
The Acting Secretary of State to the Vice President of the International Telephone and Telegraph Company (Page)
My Dear Mr. Page: I was pleased to receive your letter of December 287 in which you expressed appreciation for the assistance rendered by the Department and the American Embassy at Madrid in the protection of your Spanish interests. Recent reports from Madrid indicate that the Embassy believes that while this Government has succeeded in its immediate objective,—the withdrawal from the Cortes of the so-called nullification bill,—further difficulties may nevertheless be anticipated before the question is finally settled.
I am not personally familiar with the progress which is being made toward the establishment of the proposed joint committee, nor of the choice which you have made with respect to representation by the telephone company thereon. I assume, however, that you will keep the officials of the Department primarily handling the matter closely informed.
Sincerely yours,
- Not printed.↩