
Memorandum by the Secretary of State

The Minister of Norway1 came in and inquired as to whether our Government would negotiate reciprocal commercial treaties based on mutual tariff concessions with a given country now or after the World Economic Conference.2 I replied that our Government would be prepared to enter upon such negotiations after the desired legislation is had by Congress, giving the President authority to negotiate such agreements; that it is hoped to get such authority as would enable these agreements to become operative if, after a certain time following their presentation to Congress, the Congress should not veto or reject them.

The Minister assured me that his country was interested in the moderation of tariffs and the liberalization of commercial policy as per our plans and purposes.

C[ordell] H[ull]
  1. Halvard H. Bachke.
  2. For correspondence concerning this Conference, see vol. i, pp. 452 ff.