611.516 Wines/3

The French Ambassador (De Laboulaye) to the Acting Secretary of State



The Ambassador of France has the honor to confirm to His Excellency, the Acting Secretary of State the first agreement resulting from the conversations carried on between the Department of State and the Commercial Attaché of the Embassy with a view to increasing the importation of American fruits into France and of French wines and liquors into the United States.

The French Government will raise the quota of apples and pears originating in the United States that may be imported into France during [Page 166] the first quarter of 1934 to 200,000 quintals. A quantity of 16,000 quintals will be authorized as an advance on this quota before January 1, 1934.

In addition, the quota of salt meats and hams for the first quarter of 1934 will be raised from 1,000 to 1,500 quintals. The American Government will allow to France, from now, for the corresponding period, a supplementary quota of wines and liquors amounting to 783,000 gallons divided into categories.

The study of a new quota to be granted to France in exchange for concessions applying to industrial products will be continued.

It is understood that the two governments will not take any administrative measure, sanitary or otherwise, which would constitute a means of disguised protection serving to impede the operation of the agreement.

M. de Laboulaye is glad to avail himself [etc.]