651.113/133: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Straus) to the Acting Secretary of State

343. De la Baume called Marriner on the telephone today and with reference to yesterday’s conversations (see Embassy’s telegram 342, July 27 [26], 6 p.m.) said that a decree was now in preparation in the Ministry of Commerce to bring the tariff on American products raised by the changes published in the Bulletin Douanier on July 18 into accord with the situation under the modus vivendi.7 The tariff raises published were principally intended to affect importations from Germany [Page 161] and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is desirous that these changes should cause no disquietude in the United States as the decree is destined to adjust the situation and restore us to our previous relative tariff positions.

  1. Effected by an exchange of notes in October and November of 1927, Foreign Relations, 1927, vol. ii, pp. 696703.