
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (White)

Shortly after the Peruvian Ambassador had talked to me this morning Doctor Guzman arrived. I told him that the luncheon which I had proposed to bring together the Colombians and the Peruvians would have to be postponed. I said that the Peruvians were expecting further information from their Government and a meeting might be held with better advantage after that has been received. I also told Doctor Guzman that I got the impression that the Peruvians were expecting an answer from him to something which had been proposed at their last conference at the Chilean Embassy. Doctor Guzman replied that Cruchaga had made a suggestion to him and that he had promised Cruchaga an answer and that he had given the answer to Cruchaga. Cruchaga had suggested mediation between Colombia and Peru by the Chilean Government. Colombia has declined this. Guzman told Cruchaga this when he saw Cruchaga in New York before the latter sailed. Cruchaga had made another proposal, the nature of which Guzman did not tell me, to which Guzman is going to reply by cable before the sixteenth of this month, the date on which Cruchaga arrives at Callao, when he expects to discuss the matter with the Peruvian authorities.

Guzman then left me a memorandum which he had received by cable from President Olaya. The memorandum was sent to President Olaya by Doctor Garcia Ortiz from Lima. Guzman impressed upon me that this is strictly confidential; Olaya had shown it to nobody in Bogotá except Mr. Caffery who is authorized to advise us regarding it. Aside from that no one knows of it. He said that the memorandum has not been accepted as yet by the Colombian Government nor does it represent any definite proposal made to Garcia Ortiz by the Peruvians. It sets forth the impressions which the latter has gathered as the result of his conversations with a number of Peruvians. It is therefore rather inchoate and indecisive.

F[rancis] W[hite]