The Minister in Denmark (Coleman) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 2.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to cabled instruction No. 32, dated October 20, 6 p.m. and my reply No. 24 of to-day.8
The new tariff law, passed and enforced October 13, 1932 (see Consul General Dreyfus’ despatch No. 143, dated October 15, 1932,9) for schedules, was not discriminatory against American imports in its schedules, but Article 3 of the Law, see Enclosure No. 1,9 is undoubtedly discriminatory as it is clearly stated that the new tariff rates on footwear, porcelain, faience (pottery), crockery and moulded iron pipes, will not apply to orders placed with British firms during the recent Exhibition and may be cleared as late as January 31, 1933 at the old tariff rates, the fact being that the special import permits referred to in Article 3 were only issued by the Exchange Control Board for British goods.
My note presented at the Foreign Office to-day (see Enclosure No. 2)10 refers specifically to this and previous evidences of discrimination.
The Department will understand from the foregoing, the enclosures and previous despatches on the subject that the Danish Government is intentionally and continuously violating the terms of the Treaty existing between the two Countries regardless of other factors which would naturally diminish our commerce with Denmark.
Verbal evidence of such discrimination continues to reach the Consul General, the Commercial Attaché and myself.
While, up till now, I have advised the Department to wait upon events which were hoped to remedy or ease the situation in respect of our commerce, the Legation believes now that some action should be taken to maintain both principle and prestige.
I have been tempted to advise the Foreign Minister that his Government should denounce our Treaty if it continued its present policy, that such act would command more respect than its flagrant violation. On my own initiative I have gone as far as I can without specific instruction from the Department.
When the Folketing passes a law which openly grants the British special favors not applicable to American commerce, I think it is [Page 169] time for more than routine and perfunctory protests, ignored with contumely.
Respectfully yours