882.01 Foreign Control/249: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert)

81. For Reber. Your telegram 184, May 10, 5 p.m. You are authorized to use any method which seems the most desirable in cooperating with the British, French and possibly the German representatives [Page 726] in bringing the Rydings report before the Committee. If a joint statement is submitted, I believe it should clearly state that the findings are entirely the work of a British official and should describe the origin of his investigations.

The Firestones recently received a radio from Hines to the effect that he had been told that the Rydings report contained certain unfriendly references to Firestone interests in Liberia. Mr. Mitchell’s telegraphic summary to us on April 30 makes no reference whatever to any mention of the Firestones, and we accordingly told them that we thought Hines had been misinformed. I mention this matter to you merely in order that you may definitely ascertain that nothing of this sort is contained in the report prior to your participation in any joint submission which could not fail to indicate a general agreement on our part with the text.
