882.00/956: Telegram

The Minister in Liberia (Mitchell) to the Acting Secretary of State

54. Referring to Department’s telegram No. 30, April 20, 5 p.m.,29 British Vice Consul’s report on Kru situation is treated under the following headings:

Organization and characteristics of Kru tribes.
Conditions and events on the Kru Coast preceding the arrival of Colonel Davis.
Colonel Davis expedition and events leading up to the outbreak of hostilities.
Military operations.
Outrages, excesses and oppressive acts.
Destruction of property and loss of life.
Present situation on the Kru Coast.
Summary and general observations.

The salient points are as follows:

Historical background of Kru people.
Recital of cause and effect of the International Commission’s visit on the Coast and the subsequent propaganda stirred up by Americo-Liberians and natives to the effect that the whites were coming to take over the country.
Designation of Colonel Davis as Civil Commissioner by the President to patrol the Coast, investigate and settle the disturbance.
Describes at length the skirmishes at Sasstown, the retirement of the natives to the bush and burning of towns and villages.
Gives in detail outrages, excesses and oppressive acts of the Liberian frontier force.
Describes area laid waste by Liberian soldiers and gives statistics as to the loss of life which are approximately same as those given in Liberian report.
Describes preparation and his effort to interview Chief Nimley and the stern resistance on the part of the natives to surrender.

In his summary he describes causes of unsettled conditions prior to visit of International Commission. He criticises the present and past administrative authorities of the country and cites with deep concern that the Americo-Liberian does not possess requisite moral qualities, intelligence or training necessary to govern the primitive tribes at present under their charge. Cognizance is also taken of the fact that some of the natives were [apparent omission] in their acclaim for British rule.

[Page 716]

Full copy follows by regular mail steamer May 4th to Reber and Department.30

  1. Not printed.
  2. The British Vice Consul’s report was transmitted to the Department by the Minister in his despatch No. 188, May 3 (not printed).