
The British Ambassador (Lindsay) to the Secretary of State

No. 212

Sir: With reference to Mr. Osborne’s note to the Acting Secretary of State, No. 296 of the 2nd September last,69 regarding the desire of the British North Borneo Company to secure the co-operation of the United States authorities in the Philippine Islands to preserve the hawksbill turtle fisheries, I have the honour to inform you that the British North Borneo Company have suggested that 1933 should be observed by the Government of the Philippine Islands and the Government of North Borneo as a close season and thereafter every alternate year unless and until it is agreed by both Governments to vary this procedure. I am to enquire whether this proposal is agreeable [Page 61] to the United States Government and whether the authorities in the Philippine Islands will co-operate in putting it into effect.

I should also be grateful if the competent authorities in the Philippine Islands might be informed of the following further measures of protection that are being brought into force in North Borneo as from the date of their publication in the May issue of the Official Gazette:—

Prohibition on the killing or capture of female hawksbill turtles going up to lay.
Prohibition on the killing of hawksbill turtles under 24 inches long.

A copy of the Gazette notification is enclosed.70

I have [etc.]

R. C. Lindsay
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.