The American Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton) to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Simon)27
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my note No. 219 of August 26 last28 and to previous correspondence regarding the release of Iraq from the mandatory régime, and in compliance with instructions which I have received from my Government, to enquire, in connection with the forthcoming vote on the admission of Iraq as a member of the League of Nations, whether it is the intention of His Majesty’s Government to lay before the appropriate body of the League the recent exchange of correspondence regarding the right of the Government of the United States to be consulted with respect to the conditions under which Iraq is to be administered upon the termination of the mandated régime.
In explanation of this enquiry I am desired to state that if His Majesty’s Government does not intend to take the action indicated my Government will wish to do so in view of the importance which it attaches to having its position in the matter made clear to the members of the League.
I have [etc.]