The Minister in Yugoslavia (Prince) to the
Secretary of State
No. 1558
Belgrade, February 7, 1933.
February 23.]
Sir: With reference to my despatch No. 1419
of August 8, 1932, and to previous correspondence concerning the
so-called Standard Oil Company case, I have the honor to enclose for
the information of the Department my last note to the Foreign Office
on the subject, dated February 3, 1933. This communication was
addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the request of the
Company, and any developments in the situation will be promptly
reported to the Department.6
Respectfully yours,
The American Minister (Prince) to the
Yugoslav Minister for Foreign Affairs (Yeftich)
Belgrade, February 3,
Excellency: I have the honor to invite
Your Excellency’s urgent attention to my notes of June 7th, and
June 22nd, 1932, and to previous prolonged correspondence
concerning the case of the Standard Oil Company of New York. In
the first note under reference, I requested a declaration for
transmission to my Government showing precisely the viewpoint of
the Royal Government as regards the position
[Page 617]
of the Standard Oil Company in
Yugoslavia; in the second note referred to I pointed out the
importance which my Government places upon the issuance of an
early decision in the matter and again requested that this case
be considered as of great urgency.
As Your Excellency is aware, although six months have elapsed
since the despatch of the last comunication from this Legation,
I have as yet not even received a reply thereto and am
accordingly forced to request you personally to issue
instructions that a reply be addressed to me in the matter, and
that a declaration, as requested by me in June, be transmitted
to me which will show precisely the viewpoint of the Royal
Government as regards the position of this American Company in
the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
In making this request, in the most urgent terms possible, allow
me to assure Your Excellency that I have not failed to take into
consideration all of the questions involved which make it
difficult for Your Excellency to arrive at a decision in the
matter. It would appear, however, that a sufficient time has
elapsed and that sufficient study has been devoted to the matter
now to allow the Royal Government to decide the question
definitely and to communicate its decision to me without further
Accept [etc.]