Executive Agreement Series No. 35
The Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ramel) to the American Chargé in Sweden (Crocker)15
Mr. Chargé d’affaires: By letter of January 27 last Mr. Morehead informed me that—pending the coming into force between [Page 605] Sweden and the United States of America of the international load line convention of July 5, 1930,—the United States Government is prepared to agree with the Government of the King that the competent Swedish and American authorities reciprocally recognize the load line marks of merchant vessels of the other country, determined in conformance with the regulations in force in the respective countries, as well as the load line certificates delivered in conformance with the same regulations, on condition, however, that the marks should correspond to the indications set forth in the load line certificates, that the hull and the superstructures certified shall not have undergone after the delivery of the certificate modifications of sufficient importance to affect the calculation upon which the load line was based and that alterations have not been made so that the
- 1)
- protection of openings,
- 2)
- guard rails,
- 3)
- freeing ports, and
- 4)
- means of access to crews quarters
have rendered the vessels manifestly unfit to proceed to sea without danger to human life. Mr. Morehead informed me at the same time that his Government is likewise prepared to agree with the Royal Government that the competent Swedish and American authorities reciprocally recognize load line marks for tankers and ships of special types determined in conformance with the regulations set forth by the above-mentioned convention for ships of special types; he informed me furthermore of the desire of his Government to see the load line certificates delivered in such case by the Swedish authorities bear the indication that the load line marks are determined in conformance with the rules under reference.
In reply to this courteous communication I have the honor to inform you that the Government of the King approves the arrangement set forth above and that it is ready to conform with the desire expressed by your Government concerning the indication to be carried in the load line certificates delivered for tankers and ships of special types marked in conformance with the regulations of the international load line convention of July 5, 1930.
It is understood that the present exchange of Mr. Morehead’s note under reference and of the present note shall be considered as an agreement reached between our two countries on this subject.
Please accept [etc.]
- Transmitted to the Department by the Chargé in Sweden In his despatch No. 512, June 3, 1932; received June 22.↩