852.75 National Telephone Company/82: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

106. This morning I went to Zulueta at his request. He spoke in the most cautious manner insisting repeatedly that there had been “no act” and that therefore the situation remained as it had rested during the past year which would permit of its being examined amicably by both sides to reach a solution satisfactory to both; but he always qualified this by vague allusions to the right of the state and the susceptibilities of the sovereign Cortes. He urged that time be given to modify the views of extremists. He is very anxious to avoid publication of the text of the protest of November 23.

His most important statement was to affirm emphatically that neither nullification or denunciation would occur.

This may be honestly meant now but no such merely oral assurance can be counted on to resist the effects of pertness [sic] and change of Government that might intervene before a final settlement.

I told him I would report his remarks to you. I did not discuss the substance of your telegram No. 108, as I wished first to deliver the note it authorized referred to in my number 105 of December 5, 6 p.m.
