852.75 National Telephone Co./11
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin)
Sir: With reference to the situation respecting the so-called National Telephone Company expropriation bill, I am pleased to enclose herewith a copy of a letter of December 18, 1931,36 which has been received from Mr. Sosthenes Behn, Chairman of the Board of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, in which he expresses the appreciation of his company for the assistance rendered by the Department and by the Embassy. I am also transmitting a copy of the Department’s acknowledgement to Mr. Behn.36
Although your telegram No. 114 of December 21, 11 a.m.,36 would indicate that the proposed measure has not yet been definitely withdrawn, the Department is in hopes that the measure may in fact be abandoned and that the necessity for further representations on your part may not arise.
Very truly yours,