860M.01 Memel/193
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Latvia (Skinner)
Sir: Reference is made to your despatch No. 263, April 14, 1932, with regard to the Memel situation, and particularly to the final paragraph thereof in which you suggest that you would welcome instructions outlining what action, if any, this Government would be disposed to take with a view to composing, if possible, the differences that have given rise to the present situation.
The attitude of the Department as set forth in its telegram No. 6, February 24, 1932, to you, remains unchanged. It is desired that you take no steps whatever to initiate any discussion with the Lithuanian, or other, authorities, with regard to ways and means of settling the Memel controversy. In the event that this subject should be broached informally to you or the Chargé d’Affaires ad interim at Kovno, any comment that may be made should be calculated to have a moderating influence. In the event that the matter should be formally brought to your attention, you will, of course, defer action until instructions shall have been sought and received from the Department.
Very truly yours,