Executive Agreement Series No. 30
The Secretary of State to the Danish Minister (Wadsted)
Sir: I have the honor to reply to your note of this date in which the provisions of the proposed agreement between the Governments of the United States and Iceland for the mutual recognition of load line certificates for merchant ships are set forth.
[Page 451]Inasmuch as Iceland has no laws or regulations governing load lines of vessels, such lines being fixed in conformity with the Danish provisions in force, and as the Danish rules and tables for determining freeboard have been examined by the competent executive authorities of this Government and have been found to be as effective as the United States load line regulations, I have the honor to inform you that the Government of the United States hereby concurs in the terms of the agreement as set out in your note under acknowledgment. In this connection it is understood that the note under acknowledgment and this reply will constitute the agreement between the United States and Iceland.
The Government of the United States accordingly understands that the agreement has been completed by this exchange of notes and is effective from this date.
Accept [etc.]