868.51 Refugee Loan, 1924/93
The Chargé in Greece (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 4.]
Sir: With reference to my telegram No. 39 of May 12, 4 P.M. and the Department’s reply No. 21 dated May 13, 1 P.M., I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of the formal protest which I handed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on May 14th. I also enclose a copy of the note handed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs by the British Minister on the same day.8 The note of the British Minister was given immediate publicity in the Athens press. Comments in regard to it I will report in another despatch. Not a word has transpired so far in regard to my protest, which is in keeping with the Government’s action in regard to my previous protests as I have already reported in my despatch No. 2143 of May 10th.8
With regard to the last paragraph of the Department’s telegram No. 21 in which it is stated that the Department does not understand why I did not propose to cover Point C in my representations, I beg to say that at first I was not inclined to do so because of the fact that the point refers to a specific contravention by the Greek Government of a clause of the law regulating the functioning of the International [Page 391] Financial Commission, on which the United States is not represented. After receipt of the Department’s telegram I arrived at the opinion that it would be permissible to include the substance matter of Point C without reference to the specific contravention of the law on the Financial Commission.
If the Greek Government replies to my note and to the British note, I will of course forward copies of these replies to the Department. It is my understanding that the Italian Minister received instructions to join in the protest only in case that his French colleague was instructed to do likewise. Apparently owing to the governmental situation in France at the moment, the French Minister was not instructed to take any action. Therefore neither he nor the Italian Minister joined their British colleague. Both Ministers are inclined to think that they will be instructed before long to make representations.
Respectfully yours,