662.116 Fruit/10: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Sackett)
111. Your 185, September 16, 10 a.m., and 187, September 19, noon.89 Unless Cabinet has already definitely imposed a quota on imports, you are authorized informally and orally to point out to the German Government that this Government views with apprehension the imposition of such quotas on foreign imports, particularly at this time of world economic depression. This Government realizes that it is this very depression which has induced certain other Governments to institute this system and we have had lengthy discussions with such governments, particularly the French, during which we have stressed our conviction that such measures will tend to retard rather than assist general economic recovery. In consequence these measures have been admittedly imposed by certain foreign governments only as temporary.
I am certain that the Consul General, the Commercial Attaché’s office, and particularly the office of the Agricultural Attaché, will be able to furnish you with statistics and information amplifying these arguments which tend to show how seriously such restrictions [Page 359] would affect American imports, principally imports of fruit. This additional data you may likewise wish to make use of in your informal and oral representations.
- Neither printed.↩