662.7131/64: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Sackett)
57. Your 99, May 23, 5 p.m. The German Ambassador has not, as yet at least, sought from me a definite affirmative or negative decision in respect of these treaties. We have, however, reached such decision the substance of which is embodied in the note which I quote below and which I wish you to present formally to the German Government:
“Acting under instructions I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Government cannot acquiesce in derogation of its treaty rights the customs preferences in respect of certain grains envisaged [Page 347] in treaties recently negotiated by the Reich Government with the Governments of Hungary and Rumania.
In bringing this information to Your Excellency’s attention I am also instructed to point out that my Government is not unmindful of the desirability of the adoption of practical measures which look to the re-habilitation of the economic and financial well-being of Europe and in particular of the States of the Danubian area. Nevertheless, my Government feels that these hoped for results cannot be accomplished by the establishment of individual arrangements of limited scope such as are envisaged in the treaties under reference. My Government considers that these results might be obtained through a comprehensive general plan which has as its purpose improvement of economic and financial conditions throughout the whole of Europe. Should such a plan be proposed by the interested powers, including the Government of the Reich, my Government would be prepared to give sympathetic consideration to such a plan even though there might be involved therein certain provisions which in themselves would operate in derogation of its treaty or other rights.”
A copy of this note will be handed to the German Ambassador here.