890b.6363 Gulf Oil
The Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton) to the
Secretary of State
No. 2686
London, March 22, 1932.
[Received March
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my
telegram No. 112, March 18, 5 p.m.,8 regarding the Koweit Oil Concession, and to
transmit herewith a complete copy of Sir
Lancelot Oliphant’s note, a portion of
[Page 9]
which was telegraphed to the
Department in my telegram No. 110, March 15, 1 p.m.9
There is also attached for the Department’s consideration a copy of a
proposed informal reply from me.10 The
London agent of the Gulf Company is most anxious that this note
should be discussed by the State Department with the New York office
and further gives his opinion that early action is important in view
of the activities of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company in Koweit. If, as
I understand, Sir John Simon
will consider this case some time during the week of April 4th, I
should be grateful if the Department would advise me by cable at as
early a date as may be possible whether the text of the proposed
note herewith appended is approved of.
Respectfully yours,
The British Assistant Under Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs (Oliphant) to the American Chargé
[London,] 14 March,
My Dear Ray: I have now looked into the
question of the activities of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company at
the present time in Koweit, about which you made representations
in the memorandum, which you were good enough to leave with me
on the 26th February, and in our conversation on the 23rd of the
same month.
As the Eastern and General Syndicate are already aware, the
Anglo-Persian Oil Company are also considering the question of
applying at an early date for a concession from the Sheikh of
Koweit. I may say that this Company manifested an interest in
Koweit oil, and indeed made a formal application for a
concession before the Eastern and General Syndicate had even
appeared on the scene. At that time the negotiations were not
brought to a conclusion, chiefly because the terms suggested
were not satisfactory. The Company have, however, not lost
interest in Koweit and are at the present time, with the
sanction of the Sheikh, carrying out merely a geological
exploration of the territory. I find that they made their
request to be allowed to carry out this survey several months
before you made any representations in the matter.
As regards the general question, let me explain that, since the
return of our Secretary of State, I have found it necessary to
put the whole matter before him, as the views of the various
Government Offices have been so divergent.
[Page 10]
Sir John wishes me now to
add these few lines to say that he will be considering the whole
matter in the near future and that yet some further delay must
be inevitable. We are so sorry.
Yours v. sincerely,