The British Chargé (Osborne) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honour under instructions from His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to transmit to you herewith two notes on the subject of the World Economic Conference.11 These notes invite the United States Government to be represented on the Committee of the Council of the League of Nations which is charged with the task of convoking the Conference and to [Page 819] appoint two experts to sit on the Committee charged with the preliminary examination of the financial and economic questions referred to in Resolution V.12 attached to the Final Act of the Lausanne Conference.
I have further the honour to inform you that these invitations are extended on the understanding that the questions of Reparations, of Debts and of specific tariff rates (as distinguished from tariff policy) will be excluded from the scope of the Conference and that among the monetary matters within its scope will be the question of silver.
I have [etc.]