500.A15A4/747: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 21—2:10 p.m.]
16. Your 15, January 19, 4 p.m.10 In conversation with Drummond I learn that it is anticipated that first session of General Disarmament Conference will be confined to general declarations in plenary sessions and that it is not anticipated that it will be of many weeks duration. It is not contemplated by the Secretariat that commissions will be set up until the general discussion is terminated, perhaps not at first session at all. It is expected that adjournment will then be made until early in May. It is therefore probable that the first session of the Conference will be devoted to expositions of views and the ascertaining of points of view and difficulties of the various delegations without much endeavor to reach definite results since it is probable that chief delegates of certain states will only remain for opening days.
In view of foregoing and after conversation with Gibson I have decided not to take advantage of authorization in your 14, January 14 [18], 6 p.m.10 to be present in Geneva during Council session since there will be ample time during the plenary session for ascertaining views of other delegations.
Delighted you are planning to come.