
The Minister in Colombia (Caffery) to the Acting Secretary of State

No. 1159

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 1099 of March 28, in which I reported that the Colombian Minister of Hacienda had signed a decree temporarily lowering the tax on lighters in the port of Buenaventura [Page 644] from 25 to 15 per cent, I have the honor to report that the decree in question was published in the Diario Oficial No. 21364 of April 11, copies of which are transmitted herewith.5 It may be noted that under the terms of this decree the lighters can be used only until the completion of the wharf now under construction at Buenaventura. The Colombian representative of Grace and Company called on me today to discuss this matter, and informed me that the company was not satisfied with this tax reduction, as they desired to use the lighters after the completion of the wharf. Mr. Parmerton will take up the matter directly with the new Minister of Hacienda as soon as he can see him, and I told him that, in the event he were unsuccessful there, I should be disposed to take up the matter informally with the new Minister of Foreign Affairs.

I have [etc.]

Jefferson Caffery
  1. Not reprinted.