
The Minister in Colombia (Caffery) to the Acting Secretary of State

No. 1180

Sir: Referring to my previous reports concerning Grace and Company’s objections to a lighterage tax at Buenaventura, and especially to my despatch No. 1099 of March 28, reporting that the tax had been temporarily lowered from 25 to 15 per cent, and to my despatch No. 1159 of April 16, setting out that the Grace Line was not satisfied with the decree making the change, because it would not permit them to use their lighters after the completion of the wharf, I have the honor to report that I took up this matter informally on Friday last, with the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Samper Madrid, who promised me that he would at once see what he could do about it with the New Minister of Hacienda, Dr. Eduardo Vallejo. On Saturday evening, Mr. Parmerton, the local representative of Grace and Company, informed the Legation that he had another interview with Dr. Vallejo and received the impression that, as a result of Dr. Samper Madrid’s intervention, the Ministry of Hacienda was showing a much more favorable disposition than hitherto, to comply with Grace and Company’s request.

Mr. Parmerton is now hopeful that means will be found for allowing them to continue to use their lighters after the completion of the wharf.

I have [etc.]

Jefferson Caffery