761.93 Conference, 1930/58: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 18—8:50 a.m.]
1053. Legation’s 1041, December 12, 4 p.m. Following from Reuter, Moscow, December 16th:
“Karakhan, Under Commissar for Foreign Affairs in the Soviet Government and chief Soviet delegate at the Sino-Russian conference here, has informed Moh Teh-hui, head of the Chinese delegation, who is about to depart for China for a period, that the Soviet Government fully shares, [and?] has repeatedly expressed wish, that a start be made in the discussion of the questions of the Chinese Eastern Railway and trade and diplomatic relations for which special commissions were formed at conference on December 4th.
The hope is expressed that Moh Teh-hui will speedily return and the work of the conference be resumed.”