815.00/4193: Telegram
The Minister in Guatemala (Geissler) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:19 p.m.]
39. Yesterday in an informal, frank, but cordial conversation I spoke to President Chacon with much earnestness along the lines directed by the Department’s telegram of April 5, 2 p.m.
The President answered by recalling that he had pledged to me his word that he will not tolerate any subversive activities. He said that the Government of Honduras need give itself no concern regarding the Guatemalan side of the frontier; that the authorities have strict instructions not to permit any such activities. He added that no evidence of any activity has presented itself but that if revolutionary activities directed against the Government of Honduras do occur the leaders will be sent to jail and their followers will be reconcentrated.
[Page 72]He also expressed the earnest hope that the Sandino movement in Nicaragua will soon be suppressed.3
Repeated to Honduras.