The Secretary of State to the Minister in Rumania (Culbertson)
My Dear Mr. Culbertson: You will readily understand that the recent anti-minority disturbances in Rumania are having very definite repercussions in this country. I received a few days ago the visit of Rabbi Wise and certain members of the American Committee on the Rights of Religious Minorities. They represented to me the very painful impression made in the United States, not only upon Jews but upon those of other religions as well, by the apparently periodic outbreaks in Rumania against the Jews and other minorities and by the failure to observe the provisions of the Rumanian Minorities Treaty of December 9, 1919.22 These gentlemen are by no means the only ones to bring this situation to the Department’s notice. There have already been many communications from Senators and Congressmen and the daily press furnishes ample evidence of the trend of American public opinion with respect to the treatment of the Minorities in Rumania.
I made clear to Rabbi Wise the reasons why this Government cannot protest to the Rumanian Government on these matters or even make representations in any form. I have, however, known Mr. Titulescu23 when he was Rumanian Minister at London and I recall particularly his visit to Washington as the head of Rumania’s Debt Funding Commission. I know him to be a man of statesmanlike vision and sensitive to the position of his country abroad. From the manner in which the Keller case has been settled24 I feel confident that your relations [Page 820] with Mr. Titulescu are characterized by cordial frankness and understanding. For all of these reasons it has seemed to me that it might be useful in the interest of good relations between Rumania and the United States if you could bring the contents of this letter to the attention of Mr. Titulescu in an informal and quite personal manner. Of course, you will explain that you are not making representations of any kind but simply communicating to Mr. Titulescu personally certain facts which have been brought to the attention of the Secretary of State and which do undoubtedly affect the relations between our two countries.
In any conversation you may have with Mr. Titulescu I shall be glad if you will convey to him the expression of my cordial esteem.
Sincerely yours,
- Malloy, Treaties, 1910–1923, vol. iii, p. 3724.↩
- Rumanian Minister of Foreign Affairs.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1927, vol. iii, pp. 641 ff.↩