The Minister in Guatemala (Geissler) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 22.]
Sir: With reference to despatch 1805, of February 17, 1928,94 in which I reported concerning a Note Verbale which I had handed to Minister for Foreign Affairs Toledo Herrarte, bringing to his attention the fact that, for the alleged benefit of the “Red Cross of the Sandino Army”, money is being solicited in Guatemala for the aid of persons engaged in hostilities against the Government of Nicaragua, I now have the honor to transmit, with translations, copies of a Note Verbale of the Foreign Office, dated March 2,94 and of its enclosures, and a copy of a Memorandum of a personal conversation, which I handed Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs Aguilar on March 5,94 and in which I pointed out, in effect, that the activities of pro-Sandino collection committees in Guatemala are apparently in conflict with Article 3 [XIV?] of the Central American Treaty of Peace and Amity,95 and I beg leave to report, that Mr. Aguilar has told me, orally, that the Government will see to it that none of the funds referred to leave the country, and that they are returned to the donors.
I have [etc.]