
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Johnson)

The Chinese Minister called upon the Secretary by arrangement this morning and stated that sometime ago, in a conversation with Mr. Johnson, Mr. Johnson had informed him that the Department had been informed that the looting of American premises at Nanking was still going on. This was on March 28. The Chinese Minister stated that he had telegraphed this information to Eugene Chen at Hankow and had pleaded with Eugene Chen that he give instructions to have American property protected. The Chinese Minister stated that he had been requested by Eugene Chen to inform the Secretary that the Chinese General in Chargé at Nanking was then in Hankow making his report; that he had shown the Chinese Minister’s telegram to that General who had been instructed to return to Nanking and to give protection to Americans and their property.

N[elson] T. J[ohnson]