893.00 Nanking/183

The Consul General at Hankow (Lockhart) to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Nationalist Government (Ch’en)56

Sir: Under instructions of the American Government I am directed by the American Minister to present to you the following terms (which are simultaneously being communicated to General Chiang Kai-shek, Commander-in-Chief of the Nationalist Armies) for the prompt settlement of the situation created by the outrages against American nationals committed by Nationalist troops at Nanking on 24th of March last:

Adequate punishment of Commanders of the troops responsible for the murders, the personal injuries and indignities and the material damage done as also of all persons found to be implicated.
Apology in writing by the Commander-in-Chief of the Nationalist Army including an express written undertaking to refrain from all forms of violence and agitation against foreign lives and property.
Complete reparation for the personal injuries and material damage done.

[Page 190]

Unless the Nationalist Authorities demonstrate to the satisfaction of the interested Governments their intention to comply promptly with these terms the said Governments will find themselves compelled to take such measures as they consider appropriate.

I have [etc.]

F. P. Lockhart
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the consul general as an enclosure In his despatch No. 416, May 5; received June 6.