893.00 Nanking/67: Telegram

The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State


422. Legation’s telegram No. 399 of April 11, 2 a.m. and telegram to the Department from consul general at Hankow April 11, 4 p.m.

1. The British consul general as senior has advised British Legation, with reference to delivery of demands to Eugene Ch’en in identic notes rather than in a collective note, that yesterday morning Ch’en sent word by his private secretary to Teichman, the British Minister’s personal representative, that he refused categorically to receive a joint note. Teichman called on Ch’en and discussed the matter privately with him, with the result that Ch’en agreed to receive the consuls together on the understanding that identic notes should be presented rather than a joint note and that this should not establish [Page 191] a precedent. My Italian colleague has received a message from his consul from which it appears that rather than risk delay in presenting the note they accede to Ch’en’s terms. …

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