The Spanish Chargé (Amoedo) to the Secretary of State
Mr. Secretary: Referring to previous notes of this Embassy of His Majesty and to those from the State Department dealing with the Convention between Spain and the United States concerning alcoholic beverages and this Convention having been signed by the parties concerned and ratified by the Senate of the United States15 in order that the Spanish vessels which may call at the ports of the United States may have no trouble in the matter with the customs authorities and the prohibition officers and in particular in the ports of New York, San Juan, Porto Rico, Galveston, Texas, Houston, Texas, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Mobile, Alabama, where vessels most often call, I beg your Excellency kindly to issue appropriate instructions to the authorities at those ports in the sense that effect may be given to the said Convention.
I avail myself [etc.]
- Ratification advised by the Senate, Mar. 3, 1926; ratified by the President, Mar. 30, 1926.↩