711.162/76: Telegram

The Chargé in Salvador (Engert) to the Secretary of State

72. National Assembly ratified the treaty this morning. Department’s 49, May 27, 2 p.m.36 and 50, May 29th, served to induce the President to prolong session one day. Assembly adjourned immediately afterwards.37

  1. Not printed; it informed the Legation that the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations had favorably reported the treaty.
  2. By Legislative decree of May 31, 1926, the National Assembly of Salvador approved the treaty, subject to six amendments (see Diario Oficial, July 16, 1926). In view of these modifications the United States did not proceed with the exchange of the ratifications. After further negotiations, the treaty was again submitted to the National Assembly of Salvador which by Legislative decree of June 30, 1927, approved it subject to two amendments (see Diario Oficial, July 23, 1927). In instruction No. 65, Dec. 18, 1929 (not printed), the Secretary of State authorized the Chargé in Salvador to effect the exchange of ratifications and to include in the protocol of exchange the declaration which appears in paragraph 2 of the protocol of exchange, following article xxix of the treaty, infra. (File No. 711.162/111a.) Ratifications were exchanged at San Salvador Sept. 5, 1930.